Frananda Yoga Company Logo

Real People. Real Yoga.

Our Story

Francesca Eckersley-Wright

It has always been Frananda Yoga’s mission to offer Yoga to all in the community, from all walks of life, age and gender, experience and backgrounds. With over ten years of teaching others, from my earlier career in teaching to now, It has always been a deep passion of mine to help others and guide people to become the best version of themselves. Read more in our Core Values here.

Fran’s journey to Yoga began in 2014, when she walked into a Tai Chi class for the first time. A friend had said that it would really help her to relax more, (and as as any school teacher would tell you, the job comes with a lot of pressure and stress!) “I tried one class and instantly was drawn in by the calm, focused movements.” Two years later and she had not only studied Tai Chi, but had undertaken Kung Fu, Qi gong and meditation practices also. 

It was then at a small wellbeing festival where she participated in her first live yoga class. The combination of beautiful breathing and mindful movement brought about a perfect balance of working muscles and focusing the mind, through expressive poses. “It was what kept me coming back for more! I had well and truly caught the Yoga bug!”

Related: All your questions about Yoga, answered.

Yoga kept me from sinking into a depression, and gave me the positive attitude to keep going.

Following an accident in 2017, in which Fran tore a knee ligament, she was facing an operation with a potential 18 month recovery. “I found myself at a loss for what I could physically achieve. Fortunately, I drew upon my experience of my meditation practices to help me through this difficult time, and before I knew it, I was back on the mat within 4 months. Yoga kept me from sinking into a depression, and gave me the positive attitude to keep going with my physiotherapy. I was signed off in 7 months!”

Fran’s love for yoga as part of her life grew from strength to strength, and in 2019, she began her 200 hours yoga teacher training. In 2020, she resigned from her teaching post, and never looked back.

Related: Yoga Meditation for Anxiety [Video]

Yoga is about the exploration of ourselves, through movement and meditation techniques.

 Currently, Fran is undertaking her 500 hours Yoga accreditation, and has specialisms in Hatha Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Yin Yoga.

Fran’s mission statement:

Yoga is needed more than ever in our modern existance. It gives us an opportunity to switch off, put our devices away and truly reconnect with what’s most important: ourselves. I teach the ethos that Yoga meets you wherever you are; it’s not the ‘perfectly posed’ Instagram picture nor is it a religion. Yoga is about the exploration of ourselves, through movement and meditation techniques. The more it is practiced, the closer we can get to attaining a state of mental wellbeing and content.

Related: You can read more about Frananada Yoga’s take on Yoga over on our Core Values page, or why not check out our free resources and blog here.

Yoga meets you where you are.

I hope in that sharing my experiences and giving back what I have learned as both Yoga teacher and student, I can help you find your bliss, as I did mine. If you want to learn more, why not read my latest blog post?

an image of the owner

Real People. Real Yoga.

Real Yoga

Our Story

Our Core Values

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The meaning behind the name…

Ananda is Sanskrit for bliss.
Sanskrit is a 3,500 year old Indo-Aryan language which is still used in some Indian communities today. Yoga poses (asanas) have names originating in Sanskrit, here are a few:

Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward-facing dog
Balasana – Child’s pose
Virabhadrasana II – Warrior 2